Using WebHarvy to Scrape Zillow

In the world of real estate, accessing up-to-date property information is crucial for investors, agents, and researchers. However, manually gathering this data can be time-consuming and tedious. That’s where web scraping comes in handy. By automating the process of extracting data from websites, web scraping tools like WebHarvy can save you valuable time and effort.

In this blog post, we will explore how you can utilize WebHarvy to scrape Zillow, one of the most popular online real estate platforms. Zillow offers a wealth of property listings, market trends, and detailed information on homes across the United States. By harnessing the power of WebHarvy, you can efficiently extract this data and gain insights for your real estate endeavors.

In the following sections, we will guide you through the process of setting up WebHarvy for Zillow. We will cover everything from downloading and installing the software to understanding the structure of Zillow’s website. Once the setup is complete, we will delve into scraping property listings and obtaining detailed property information.

Additionally, we will share some tips and tricks to enhance your Zillow scraping experience. You will learn how to avoid IP blocking, regularly update your scraping configurations, and handle CAPTCHA challenges effectively.

Whether you are an investor looking to analyze market trends, an agent seeking valuable leads, or a researcher studying housing patterns, this blog post will equip you with the knowledge to leverage WebHarvy and scrape Zillow efficiently.

So, let’s dive in and discover how WebHarvy can simplify your data extraction process from Zillow, saving you time and helping you make more informed decisions in the real estate realm.

Introduction to WebHarvy and Zillow

WebHarvy is a powerful web scraping software that allows users to extract data from various websites, including Zillow. It simplifies the process of retrieving information by automating the extraction process.

Zillow, on the other hand, is a leading online real estate marketplace that provides users with access to millions of property listings, market trends, and other valuable real estate data. It is widely used by home buyers, sellers, agents, and investors to gather information about properties across the United States.

In this section, we will provide a brief introduction to both WebHarvy and Zillow, highlighting their key features and benefits.

WebHarvy: Overview and Features

WebHarvy is a user-friendly desktop application that enables users to scrape data from websites without the need for any programming knowledge. It offers a range of features that make web scraping efficient and accessible to users of all skill levels.

Some notable features of WebHarvy include:

  1. Point-and-Click Interface: WebHarvy utilizes a visual interface that allows users to interact with the website they want to scrape. Users can simply point and click on the elements they want to extract, making the process intuitive and straightforward.

  2. Data Extraction Customization: WebHarvy provides users with the ability to customize their scraping configurations. Users can specify the data they want to extract, such as property details, images, prices, and more. This flexibility allows users to target specific information according to their requirements.

  3. Automatic Pagination Handling: With WebHarvy, handling pagination on websites like Zillow is a breeze. The software can automatically navigate through multiple pages of listings, ensuring that all relevant data is captured during the scraping process.

  4. Exporting Options: WebHarvy allows users to export the scraped data in various formats, including CSV, Excel, JSON, and XML. This enables users to analyze and manipulate the extracted information in their preferred software or database.

Zillow: An Overview of the Real Estate Marketplace

Zillow is a comprehensive online platform that provides a wealth of real estate information to users. It offers a wide range of features and tools that make it a go-to resource for home buyers, sellers, agents, and investors.

Some key features of Zillow include:

  1. Property Listings: Zillow hosts millions of property listings across the United States. Users can search for homes, apartments, condos, and other types of properties based on their desired location, price range, and other criteria.

  2. Market Trends and Analysis: Zillow provides users with valuable insights into real estate market trends. Users can access data on home values, rental prices, price changes, and historical market trends. This information can be beneficial for investors and researchers looking to analyze market conditions.

  3. Property Details and Images: Zillow offers detailed information about each property listing, including property features, amenities, square footage, and more. Users can also view high-quality images of the properties to get a better understanding of their condition and aesthetics.

  4. Mortgage Calculator: Zillow features a mortgage calculator that enables users to estimate their monthly mortgage payments based on factors such as loan amount, interest rate, and down payment. This tool can be helpful for potential homebuyers in planning their budget.

By combining the power of WebHarvy with the vast resources of Zillow, users can unlock a wealth of real estate data and gain a competitive edge in their property research and analysis.

In the next section, we will delve into the process of setting up WebHarvy for scraping data from Zillow, ensuring that you have all the necessary tools and knowledge to get started.

Setting Up WebHarvy for Zillow

Setting up WebHarvy to scrape data from Zillow involves a few steps, from downloading and installing the software to configuring it to work effectively with the Zillow website. In this section, we will walk you through the entire setup process, ensuring that you have everything you need to start scraping Zillow efficiently.

Download and Install WebHarvy

  1. Visit the official WebHarvy website ( and navigate to the “Download” page.
  2. Choose the appropriate version of WebHarvy for your operating system (Windows).
  3. Click on the download link and save the installation file to your computer.
  4. Once the download is complete, locate the installation file and double-click on it to launch the installer.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install WebHarvy on your computer, selecting the desired installation location and agreeing to the terms and conditions.

Understanding Zillow’s Structure

Before diving into the configuration of WebHarvy, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of the structure of Zillow’s website. Familiarizing yourself with the different sections and elements of the website will help you define the data you want to scrape effectively.

Zillow’s website typically consists of the following main sections:

  1. Home Page: This is the starting point of the website, where users can search for properties by entering location, price range, and other criteria.
  2. Search Results Page: After entering search parameters, Zillow displays a list of properties that match the specified criteria. Each property is showcased with a brief overview, including the address, price, and basic details.
  3. Property Listing Page: Clicking on a specific property from the search results page leads to a detailed listing page. This page provides comprehensive information about the property, including images, description, features, and more.

Configuration Set-Up

Now that you have WebHarvy installed and a basic understanding of Zillow’s structure, it’s time to configure WebHarvy to scrape data from Zillow effectively. Follow these steps:

  1. Launch WebHarvy on your computer.
  2. Open your web browser and navigate to Zillow’s website (
  3. In WebHarvy, click on the “New” button to create a new configuration.
  4. A browser window will open within WebHarvy. Use this browser window to navigate and interact with Zillow.
  5. In WebHarvy, click on the “Capture” button to start capturing data from Zillow.
  6. Select the elements on the webpage that you want to extract, such as property addresses, prices, images, and other details. WebHarvy will highlight the selected elements for your reference.
  7. After selecting the desired elements, click on the “Capture” button again to confirm the selection. The captured data will be displayed in the preview pane within WebHarvy.
  8. Repeat the capture process for other data elements you want to extract, ensuring that you cover all the necessary information.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up WebHarvy for scraping Zillow. In the next section, we will dive into the process of scraping property listings from Zillow, allowing you to extract a comprehensive list of properties based on your search criteria.

How to Scrape Property Listings from Zillow

Scraping property listings from Zillow is a fundamental task that allows you to gather a comprehensive list of properties based on your desired search criteria. In this section, we will guide you through the process of scraping property listings from Zillow using WebHarvy.

Defining Data to Scrape

Before starting the scraping process, it’s important to define the specific data you want to extract from Zillow’s property listings. This may include details such as property addresses, prices, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, and any other relevant information that suits your needs.

Starting the Scraping Process

To scrape property listings from Zillow, follow these steps:

  1. Launch WebHarvy and open the browser window within the software.
  2. Navigate to Zillow’s website ( using the browser window.
  3. On Zillow’s home page, enter your desired location, price range, and any other search criteria to narrow down your search.
  4. Click on the search button to initiate the search process.
  5. Once the search results are displayed, ensure that the first page of listings is visible in the browser window.
  6. In WebHarvy, click on the “Capture” button to start capturing data.
  7. Select the property elements on the search results page that you want to scrape, such as property addresses, prices, and basic details. WebHarvy will highlight the selected elements for your reference.
  8. After selecting the desired elements, click on the “Capture” button again to confirm the selection. The captured data will be displayed in the preview pane within WebHarvy.
  9. Scroll down the search results page within the browser window to load more listings. Repeat the capture process to select additional elements of the listings.
  10. Continue scrolling down and capturing data until you have captured all the desired property listings on the current page.
  11. If there are multiple pages of listings, navigate to the next page within the browser window and repeat the capture process to scrape data from the subsequent pages.
  12. Once you have captured all the desired data, click on the “Next” button in WebHarvy to preview and review the extracted information.
  13. If everything looks correct, click on the “Finish” button to save the scraped data.

By following these steps, you can scrape property listings from Zillow using WebHarvy efficiently. In the next section, we will explore how to scrape detailed property information from individual property listing pages on Zillow.

How to Scrape Detailed Property Info from Zillow

Once you have scraped the property listings from Zillow, you may want to extract more detailed information about each property. In this section, we will walk you through the process of scraping detailed property information from individual property listing pages on Zillow using WebHarvy.

Accessing Each Individual Listing

To scrape detailed property information from Zillow, you need to access each individual property listing page. Follow these steps:

  1. Launch WebHarvy and ensure that you have the captured property listings data from the previous section.
  2. In WebHarvy, click on the “Next” button to preview the captured data.
  3. Review the captured data and ensure that the property URLs are included in the scraped information. If not, you may need to go back and recapture the property URLs.
  4. Click on the “Next” button again to proceed to the configuration screen.
  5. In the configuration screen, click on the “Add New Field” button to add a new field for the property URL.
  6. Select the element on the page that contains the property URL and click on the “Capture” button to capture it.
  7. Confirm the selection by clicking the “Capture” button again.
  8. In the field properties, rename the field as “Property URL” for better organization and identification.
  9. Click on the “Finish” button to save the configuration.

Capturing Images and Property Details

Once you have set up the configuration to capture the property URLs, you can proceed to scrape detailed property information from each individual listing page. Follow these steps:

  1. In WebHarvy, click on the “Capture” button to start capturing data from the property URLs.
  2. Select the property details and elements on the listing page that you want to scrape, such as property descriptions, features, images, and any other relevant information.
  3. Confirm the selection by clicking the “Capture” button again.
  4. Repeat the capture process for all the desired elements on the listing page.
  5. If the property page contains multiple images, you can use the “Capture Multiple” feature in WebHarvy to scrape all the images available.
  6. Once you have captured all the desired data, click on the “Next” button to preview and review the extracted information.
  7. Review the captured data and make any necessary adjustments or refinements to ensure the accuracy of the scraped information.
  8. If everything looks correct, click on the “Finish” button to save the scraped data.

Scraping Additional Info

In addition to the basic property details and images, Zillow property listings may contain additional information that you may want to extract. This can include data such as property history, tax information, neighborhood details, and more. To scrape this additional information, you can follow a similar process as outlined above. Capture the relevant elements on the property listing page and ensure that you refine and review the extracted data before saving it.

By following these steps, you can scrape detailed property information from individual property listing pages on Zillow using WebHarvy. In the next section, we will share some tips and tricks to enhance your Zillow scraping experience.

Tips and Tricks for Effective Zillow Scraping

Scraping data from Zillow using WebHarvy can be a powerful tool for real estate analysis and research. However, to ensure a smooth and effective scraping experience, it’s important to be aware of some tips and tricks. In this section, we will share valuable insights to enhance your Zillow scraping process.

Avoiding IP Blocking

Zillow, like many other websites, has measures in place to prevent web scraping activities. To avoid being blocked or flagged for suspicious behavior, consider these tips:

  1. Use Proxies: Utilize a proxy server or rotate IP addresses to make your scraping activities appear as if they are coming from different sources. This can help prevent IP blocking and maintain a higher level of anonymity.

  2. Implement Delays: Set appropriate time intervals between each scraping request to mimic human behavior. This can help prevent triggering any rate limits or suspicious activity alerts.

  3. Randomize User Agents: Vary the user agent string in your scraping requests to make them appear as if they are coming from different web browsers. This adds an additional layer of disguise and reduces the chances of detection.

Regularly Updating Your Scraping Configurations

Zillow’s website structure and design may change over time, impacting the effectiveness of your scraping configurations. To ensure accurate and up-to-date data extraction, consider the following:

  1. Regularly Check for Website Updates: Stay informed about any changes or updates made to Zillow’s website structure. This can help you identify potential issues with your scraping configurations and make the necessary adjustments.

  2. Test and Verify Configurations: Periodically test your scraping configurations to ensure they are still capturing the desired data accurately. Verify that the captured information matches the expected results.

Handling CAPTCHA

Zillow may implement CAPTCHA challenges to prevent automated scraping activities. While WebHarvy does not have built-in CAPTCHA solving capabilities, you can consider the following approaches:

  1. Manual Intervention: If a CAPTCHA challenge occurs, you may need to manually solve it before continuing with the scraping process. This can involve interacting with the CAPTCHA interface within the browser window in WebHarvy.

  2. Use CAPTCHA Solving Services: Consider utilizing third-party CAPTCHA solving services that can automate the process of solving CAPTCHA challenges. These services typically require integration with WebHarvy or other scraping tools.

Be Mindful of Terms of Service

When scraping data from any website, it’s essential to respect the website’s Terms of Service and abide by any usage restrictions or limitations. Ensure that your scraping activities are in compliance with Zillow’s Terms of Service to avoid any legal or ethical issues.


In this section, we have shared some tips and tricks to enhance your Zillow scraping experience using WebHarvy. By implementing these strategies, you can overcome potential challenges, avoid detection, and ensure a seamless and efficient scraping process.

Remember to stay updated on Zillow’s website structure, regularly test and refine your scraping configurations, handle CAPTCHA challenges effectively, and always respect the website’s Terms of Service. With these considerations in mind, you can harness the power of WebHarvy and extract valuable real estate data from Zillow for your analysis and research.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of using WebHarvy to scrape Zillow, you are ready to embark on your scraping journey. Happy scraping!



